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    Dandylion Miniatures


    Angela Law

    Miniaturist Artisan & Author - Unique one of a kind Historical pieces, Fantasy pieces, Room boxes, Dollhouses and Standalone pieces.

    Aged with added imperfections to give a real antique period feel to each unique piece.

    Each piece of work is given its own identification number along with a signed certificate of authenticity signed by the artist .















    New Book Release Announcement

    The Book is Now Available Worldwide


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    New book release: "Making Miniature Period Furniture for Dolls Houses" by Angela Law (available in Paperback and Ebook format). OUT NOW in all good UK/Europe/US/Can/Aus bookstores. November 6th 2023 UK release. In the US/EU & Rest of World the book will be available in eBook/Kindle format at same time as UK release. Paperback release 14th May 2024 (earlier than the predicted 1st July 2024 release date)

    Available from amazon.com, amazon.co.uk, barnesandnoble.com, waterstones.com and all reputable bookstores ...... Pre-order and release updates also available via https://www.crowood.com

    Video here shows projects included in the book ⇨⇨⇨⇨⇨

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    The Princess & The Pea 1:12 Scale half tester bed by Angela Law from the Fairytale, Fable & Fantasy range
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  • Gallery

    Some selected pieces of work, mainly in 1:12 Scale

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    1:12 Scale Beds and Cradles

    Handmade One of a kind pieces

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    1:12 Scale Fireplace


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    1:12 Scale 1600s Elizabethan River boat

    Handmade one of a kind piece. Historical costume dolls by Teresa Thompson at costumecavalcade.co.uk

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    1:12 scale 17th Century Writing Desk

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece

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    1:12 Scale Cradle

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece

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    1:12 Scale four poster bed

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece

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    1:12 Scale half tester bed

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece

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    1:12 Scale 15th Century Medici Wood Carriage

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece

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    1:12 Scale 15th Century Medici Wood and Silver Carriage

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece. Historical Costume Dolls by Teresa Thompson at costumecavalcade.co.uk

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    1:12 Scale 15th Century Medici half tester bed

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece

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    Dollhouse Interior

    Handmade fixtures and fittings (wall panels/fireplace/flooring/centre/edgings)

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    1:12 Scale Dollhouse Show piece

    Handmade constant work in progress.

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    1:12 Scale gents office interior

    Handmade fixtures and fittings (wall panels, , bookcases) with handmade books

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    1:12 Scale Fireplace

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece

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    1:12 Scale Settle

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece

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    1:12 Scale entrance hall room


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    1:12 Scale Medieval/Tudor half tester bed original design


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    1:12 Scale Four Poster bed alongside a bed made for 60cm doll

    Both Handmade

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    1:12 Scale: Another long library/hall picture

    Wood bookcases all handmade along with fireplace backplates and floor plate. Books also handmade.

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    1:12 Scale: Another ceiling in progress

    Handmade wall panels and celings for dollhouse/roomboxes

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    1:12 Scale: Kitchen

    Handmade fireplace, dressers, sink units and shelving with plate and cloth racks. Historical costume doll by Teresa Thompson at costumecavalcade.co.uk

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    1:12 Scale Day bed or Throne

    Handmade Day bed with raised setting and steps to give a grander feel. Would also fit as a throne.

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    1:12 Scale Box Bed

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece

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    1:12 Scale Four Poster Bed

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece. French Walnut hand carved with pyrography (writing with fire) piece.

    1:12 Scale Ceiling & Mural work in progress

    Handmade wooden ceilings with handprinted canvas mural insets for dollhouses and roomboxes

    1:12 Scale Elizabethan Riverboat

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece

    1:12 Scale15th Century Carriage - Medici 1st and 2nd version. Historical costume dolls by Teresa Thompson

    Handmade unique one of a kind pieces

    1:12 Scale Regency Swingboat

    Handmade unique one of a kind piece. Historical Costume Dolls by Teresa Thompson at costumecavalcade.co.uk

    1:12 Scale Four Poster bed beside a Bed for a 60cm doll

    Both handmade unique one of a kind pieces

    1:12 Scale Beds

    Some recent beds, all handmade unique one of a kind pieces

    1:12 Scale Medici Carriage

    Third version of my 15th Century Medici carriage. Historical Costume Dolls by Teresa Thompson at costumecavalcade.co.uk

    1:12 Scale Fireplaces

    Third version of my 15th Century Medici carriage. Historical Costume Dolls by Teresa Thompson at costumecavalcade.co.uk

    1:12 Scale Fireplaces


    1:12 Scale Office

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    1:12 Scale Entrance Hall

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    1:12 Scale Settle

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    1:12 Scale Settle (2)

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    1:12 Byzantine infant crib and bath. Scratch build wood sections, re-purposed and handmade metal work

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    1:12 Scale Kramerladen. Restoration works undertaken. 1880 - 1920s German Krämerladen restored as 1920s Bäckerei/Bakery

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    1:12 Scale The Princess & The Pea half tester bed. Part of the Fairytale, Fable and Fantasy range.

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    1:12 Scale Walnut Burl half Tester Bed

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    1:12 Scale Walnut Burl Tudor Desk

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  • Dolls House & Miniature Scene

    January 21

    Dollshouse World

    Dec 20

  • Process

    I begin by visiting/researching old and historical buildings and (where possible) photographing the interiors for ideas. This also helps to activate one’s own imagination into creating unique designs and one of kind pieces. I also enjoy researching old furniture designs and sourcing prints when and where possible.


    I then scale the images/ideas down to mainly 1:12 scale pieces. I will sometimes sketch the piece I wish to make, whether it be based upon an original piece (such as my Medici coaches) or a unique piece using styles of a period as one would if one had been a maker during any represented century.


    Some pieces are made without sketches and develop organically as one would sculpt clay or paint a picture. This happens a lot with repurposed pieces as you often visualise immediately what it can become. I sometimes add a touch of symbolism to my pieces.


    My materials are mainly sourced from antique fairs/markets and also online. Most wood is reclaimed and purchased from old clock makers/furniture sellers and from old offcuts/ pieces. I have sourced wood and fabrics from as far back as the 16th century. Using these materials not only saves on the environment but also gives an aged look to my pieces of work eg. My dollhouse was made by me using mainly old rosewood pieces which are over 100 years old, the house itself was made by me in approx. 2008 but is often mistaken as a much older piece (this is an intentional part of my process).


    My tools include hand carving tools and a wood lathe as well as a pyrography machine (writing with fire) for patterning of some wood pieces.


    Final touches - I will often add silver elements to my work and also stone and ceramics for flooring as well as inlaid wood pieces.


    As my pieces are handmade, they can take some time complete. My beds & furniture usually take 3 – 4 days to complete and room boxes and unique items (like my carriages) can take several weeks/months.


    My dollhouse is often used as a show piece for some of my work and is a continuous work in progress (as previously mentioned above, I made my personal dollhouse in 2008 and it is still not finished – something I think that all makers and owners of a dollhouse/dollhouses can relate to).


    I love making beds especially and as a certain chap once said;

    "The bed has become a place of luxury to me! I would not exchange it for all the thrones in the world" - Napoleon Bonaparte





  • Store : Prices are quoted with the available items details in the Store below. All prices include postage with tracking.


    If there is an item you have seen on social media sites that has not yet been added to the store, please message me for details (including price) - Email: dandylionminiatures@yahoo.com


    New commissions are not currently being taken.

    Current Items available: There are often items available that simply require certificates of authentication to be completed, please email if you do not see an item you were interested in listed in the store.


    All items are Unique one of a kind pieces due to being handmade. Some items may be reproduced upon request, however they will always have slight differences to prior piece (again due to being handmade).


    If you cannot see the item you would like (perhaps from the gallery or on other social media platforms) then please email me to see if I have that or a similar item available.

    Express an interest in a piece via email to dandylionminiatures@yahoo.com

    Payments accepted via Paypal (Invoice will be sent to your paypal email address), alternatively you can pay by card via Stripe (DM me your email address and product details to receive payment invoice/link).

    NOTE: Buyers are responsible for any Duty/Customs/Customs VAT/Customs fees at their end. Tracking will be provided.

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